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7. Topic: British Economy; Grammar: The Perfect Tenses

Grammar: The Perfect Tenses

I. Read the following words

Manufactured, employed, agriculture, mining, building, provide, natural, resources, richly, cultivation, sheep breeding, pig raising, soil, fertile, quality, expensive, characteristic, semi-finished, cheap, mostly, precision, equipment, chemicals, woollen, leather, synthetic, original, coal mining, iron steel, engineering, particularly, aircraft, automobile, atomic, reactor, emphasis.

II. Read and translate the following text: British Economy

The United Kingdom is one of the world’s largest exporters of manufactured goods per head of population. For every person employed in agriculture eleven people are employed in mining, manufacturing and building.

Apart from coal and iron ore Britain has very few natural resources. Its agriculture provides only half the food it needs. Most of if the raw materials such as oil and various metals (copper zinc, uranium ore and others) have to be imported. Britain also has to import timber, cotton, fruit and farm products.

Britain used to be richly forested, but most of the forests were cut down to make more room for cultivation. The greater part of land is used for cattle and sheep breeding, and pig raising. Among the crops grown on the farms are wheat, barley and oats. The fields are mainly in the eastern part of the country. Most of the farms are small. Farms tend to be bigger where the soil is less fertile.

Britain produces high quality expensive goods, which has always been characteristic of its industry. A shortage of raw materials, as well as the high cost of production makes it unprofitable for British industry to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles. Britain mostly produces articles, requiring skilled labour, precision instruments, chemicals. Britain high quality consumer goods and articles made of various kinds of synthetic (man-made) materials.

The original basis of British industry was coal mining, and the early factories grew up not far from the main mining areas.

Glasgow and Newcastle became great centres of engineering and shipbuilding . Lancashire produced cotton goods and Yorkshire woollens , with Sheffield concentrating on iron and steel. Birmingham developed light engineering. There appeared a tendency for industry and population to move to the south, particularly to the London area. Britain’s industry is now widely dispersed. Great progress was made in the development of new industries, such as the aircraft, automobile, electronic industries and others. A number of atomic power reactors were made.

Great emphasis was made on the development of the war industry .


1. manufactured goods – промислові товари

2. per head of population – на душу населення

3. apart of smth. – крім чогось

4. used to be smth. – був кимось колись

5. used to do smth. – робив щось колись

6. to make room for smth. – звільняти простір (місце) для чогось

7. to breed smth. – розводити, вирощувати (тварин)

8. to tend to do smth. – мати тенденцію робити щось

9. article – виріб, товар, предмет виробництва

10. to require smth. (doing smth.) – вимагати, потребувати чогось (робити щось)

11. precision instruments – точні інструменти

12. to be widely dispersed – широко розповсюджуватись

13. to make emphasis on smth. – надавати чомусь особливого значення , приділяти комусь особливу увагу

III. Find the English in the right-hand column for the following

1. недостатня кількість сировини 1. raw materials

2. дорогі товари високої якості 2. various metals

3. свинарство 3. to be richly forested

4. вівчарство (розведення овець) 4. to import timber

5. ввозити деревину 5. to make room for smth.

6. бути багатим на ліси 6. sheep breeding

7. різноманітні метали 7. pig raising

8. сировина 8. high quality expensive goods

9. звільняти місце 9. shortage of raw materials

10. військова промисловість 10. semi-finished goods

11. синтетичні матеріали 11. precision instruments

12. точні інструменти 12. electronic equipment

13. атомний реактор 13. man-made materials

14. електронне обладнання 14. the original basis

15. напівфабрикати 15. atomic power reactor

16. початкова основа 16. war industry

IV. Complete the following sentences

1. Great Britain is rich in ... . 2. Britain has very few ... . 3. Britain also has to import ... . 4. Most of the forests were cut down to ... . 5. Among the crops grown on the farms are ... . 6. Britain produces high quality ... . 7. Britain mostly produces article requiring ... . 8. Britain produces and exports ... . 9. The original basis of British industry was ... . 10. Great emphasis was made on the development of the ... .

V. Say if it is right

1. The United Kingdom is the largest exporter of manufactured good. 2. Britain is rich in very few natural resources. 3. Britain has to import coal and iron ore. 4. The greater part of land is used for sheep breeding, pig raising and flower growing. 5. Britain produces high quality cheap goods. 6. Britain mostly produces articles requiring skilled labour, precision instruments and electronic equipment. 7. Britain exports cotton and woollen goods but not leather goods. 8. Coal mining was the original basis of British industry. 9. Aircraft, automobile and electronic industries are new Britain’s industries. 10. Glasgow is famous for engineering and shipbuilding.

VI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions

1. Britain produces goods and articles made ... various kinds of synthetic materials. 2. For every person employed ... agriculture, eleven people are employed ... mining, manufacturing and building. 3. Most ... the raw materials have to be imported. 4. The fields are mainly ... eastern part ... the country. 5. A shortage ... raw materials makes it unprofitable ... British industry to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles. 6. Sheffield is concentrating ... iron and steel. 7. A present industry has a tendency to move ... the south, particularly ... the London area.

VII. Answer the following questions

1. What natural resources does Great Britain have?

2. What raw materials does Britain import?

3. Why does Britain have to import raw materials?

4. What does Britain export?

5. What is the characteristic feature of British industry?

6. Why is it unprofitable for Britain to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles?

7. What are the main articles produced by British industry?

8. What are Britain’s traditional industries?

9. What are Britain’s main industries today?

10. What are the main industrial centres of Great Britain?

11. What are the main branches of British agriculture?

12. What is the greater part of land used for?

13. What crops are grown on the farms of Britain?

14. Why does Great Britain have to import farm products?

VIII. Speak on the text ”British Economy” Grammar Participle II I. Remember the forms and functions of Participle II




1. Для правильних дієслів :

1. An attribute

Look at the cup broken

by you

Infinitive без ”to” + ed solve – solved

2. The predicative

He felt disappointed

2. Для неправильних дієслів: див. таблицю неправильних дієслів , ІІІ форма

3. An adverbial modifier

4. A part of the predicate

When asked he always helped me

They had made a fire before the sun set

II. Form Participle II of the following verbs

To become, to choose, to pay, to study, to take, to keep, to send, to spend, to decide, to solve, to translate, to write, to give, to express, to get, to make, to do.

III. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the function of Participle II

1. His speech was received with great applause, mixed with cries. 2. This great dark smoky house crowded to the ceiling with poor inhabitants astonished her highly. 3. Surrounded by difficulties and uncertainly, a boy longed for his parents. 4. I had been seated at the desk for a long time, lost in thought. 5. Absorbed in her book, she did not hear my question. 6. If asked he always helped me. 7. She was expensively dressed. 8. She said nothing as if she was deeply impressed by my words. 9. He is not a manager now. He is retired.

The Perfect Tenses IV. Make these sentences negative and interrogative

1. I have just seen him. 2. I have already been to the laboratory. 3. They have already finished breakfast. 4. She already seen the sea and wants to go to the Carpathians. 5. The bell has just gone. 6. We have been there before.

V. Choose the proper place of the adverb

1. He has not finished his work ( yet). 2. I have not received any letters from them ( за останній час). 3. Have you been to London ( even )? 4. She has spoken to him (already). 5. The delegation has arrived (just). 6. She has not read very much (recently).7. I have met her (never). 8. Have you read this book ( yet )? - No, I have begun it (just). 9. I have seen him at lectures ( never ). 10. She has not seen this film, but has heard a lot about it (yet).

VI. Transform the following sentences into the sentences with Present Perfect

1. Our delegation arrived in New York last week. 2. She learns English hard. 3. We work at the library every morning. 4. Did you finish this work yesterday? 5. He speaks English quite fluently. 6. He knocks at your door every morning. 7. We write dictation every week. 8. I write letters to my parents twice a week. 9. He smokes a great deal. 10. The train comes at 5 o’clock. 11. It often rains in autumn. 12. He always thanks for help.13. He heard this news yesterday. 14. They walk in the park every evening. 15. I wake up early in the morning.

VII. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the required tenses

1. The telegram ( to arrive ) five minutes after you ( to leave ) the house. 2. It ( to rain) hard last night. 3. He ( to leave ) Kyiv ? – No, he is still in Kyiv. 4. He ( to be ) in hospital for ten days. 5. The goods ( to arrive ) yesterday. 6. I ( to buy ) this book in London. 7. They ( to discuss ) this important problem since 5 o’clock. 8. We ( to speak ) to him the other day. 9. She ( to bring ) us some interesting books. 10. He is not here, he ( to go out ). 11. They ( to receive ) our telegram last week 12 . We ( to have ) no news from him since he ( to leave ) home. 13. I cannot give you a definite answer as I not (to discuss ) the matter with manager. 14. This delegation (to visit) our Institute some days ago.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Вона відчинила вікно, ось чому у кімнаті досить холодно. 2. Мій брат живе в Черкасах з минулого року. 3. Студенти тільки що повернулися з колгоспу. 4. Вони вже повідомили про виконання роботи? 5. Він приніс листа від сестри. 6. Дощ скінчився. 7. Вони ще не повернулися .8. Я бачила його тільки двічі. 9. Я розірвала папір навпіл. 10. Вона вже написала цього листа. 11. Він не бачив цих документів. 12. Я уважно прочитав його доповідь.

IX. Replace the infinitive in the brackets by the required tense

1. We (to translate) this article by five o’clock. 2. They not (to finish) their work by last Friday. 3. You (to ship) the good by that time? 4. The plant (to fulfil) its yearly plan by the middle of December . 5. He told me that he (to speak) to the manager about it. 6. We (to finish) our work as he (to loose) his old one. 8. We looked through the catalogues which they (to send) us. 9. As we not (to receive) an answer to our letter we sent them a telegram. 10. They informed us that they (to charter – фрахтувати) the ship for the transportation of goods. 11. He told me that he (to buy) a new TV set. 12. He drove to the hotel where he (to reserve) a room. 13. She told me that she just (to return) from India. 14. He came home late in the evening as he (to visit) the Historical Museum and (to be) to a concert. 15. After the sun (to set) we decided to return home.

X. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Я згадав про це, коли вони вже пішли. 2. Ми вже відванта­жили товари, коли прийшла ваша телеграма. 3. Коли секретар отримав телеграму, він одразу ж показав її директору. 4. Підписавши лист, він попросив секретаря відправити його. 5. Вона вийшла з кімнати після того, як вимкнула світло. 6. Після того, як вони перерахували ящики, вони відправили їх на склад. 7. Ми вже лягли спати , коли вони прийшли. 8. Ми прийшли до згоди (to come to an agreement) відносно умов оплати до того, як ви приїхали . 9. Він знову прочитав контракт раніше, ніж підписав його. 10. Ди­ректор повернувся до того, як вона надрукувала всі листи. 11. Ми прийшли на станцію до того, як стемніло. 12. Коли я зайшов до нього, він хворів вже кілька днів. 13. Я міг рекомендувати його як дуже здібного спеціаліста, оскільки знав його майже десять років. 14. Вони вже повернулися додому, як пішов дощ.15. Ми вже пообідали, коли вона прийшла.

XI. Do as in the pattern: Pattern Future Perfect





to solve

we shall have

shall we have solved

we shall not have solved

solved many

many problems by

many problems by

problems by




1. To pass the examination by 4 o’clock tomorrow. 2. To prepare a report by Monday. 3. To get the tickets by 2 o’clock. 4. To speak about modern painting before he comes. 5. To finish translating this article by the time you arrive.

XII. Refer to the future as in the pattern:

By the end of the term we had learnt many new words. By the end of the term we shall have learnt many new words.

1. We had translated the first part of the book by the end of the month. 2. When we entered the theater the play had already began. 3. Every body had finished his work by the appointed time. 4. The doctor had examined ten patients by 5 o’clock. 5. The delegation had arrived in our city by 2 o’clock. 6. When I came back from the Institute my parents had already learned the news . 7. We had repeated all the examination topics by the time of the exam.

XIII. Translate these sentences into English

1. Я вже закінчу свою роботу до шостої години. 2. До 1 липня наступного року вони вже складуть вступні іспити. 3. Я закінчу цю роботу до того, як ти прийдеш додому. 4. Вона не перекладе цей роман. 5. Ми не повернемося з поїздки до кінця тижня. 6. Студенти перекладуть текст про ринкову економіку до кінця уроку. 7. Вони збудують нові гуртожитки до початку навчального року.

Книга: Практична англійська - Гаращенко


1. Практична англійська - Гаращенко
2. Grammar Exercises
3. 2. Topic: Our Academy; Grammar: Pronouns, adjectives
4. Grammar Exercises
5. 2. Topic: Our Academy; Grammar: Pronouns, adjectives
6. Grammar Exercises
7. 3. Topic: We study a foreign language; Grammar: Modal verbs
8. 3. Topic: We study a foreign language; Grammar: Modal verbs
9. 4. Topic: Higher education in Ukraine; Grammar: Indefinite tenses (The Present Indefinite Tense)
10. 4. Topic: Higher education in Ukraine; Grammar: Indefinite tenses (The Present Indefinite Tense)
11. 5. Topic: Higher education in Great Britain; Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense
12. 5. Topic: Higher education in Great Britain; Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense
13. 6. Topic: Economy of Ukraine; Grammar: The Continuous Tenses. Participle I
14. 6. Topic: Economy of Ukraine; Grammar: The Continuous Tenses. Participle I
15. 7. Topic: British Economy; Grammar: The Perfect Tenses
16. 7. Topic: British Economy; Grammar: The Perfect Tenses
17. 8. Topic: US Economy; Grammar: The Passive Voice
18. 8. Topic: US Economy; Grammar: The Passive Voice
19. 9. Topic: Why Should We Study Economics?; Grammar: Sequence of Tenses
20. 10. Topic: My Speciality; Grammar: Revision of Tenses
21. 10. Topic: My Speciality; Grammar: Revision of Tenses
22. Additional Reading

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